Our Story
The story of Afro-Mülheimers Cultural and Development Association started in Spring 2015, when Justin and Bridget Fonkeu thought it was time for Africans living in Mülheim an der Ruhr to come together to take up the challenge and become seriously engaged in welcoming asylum-seekers, refugees and Migrants into our City Mülheim an der Ruhr. The year 2015 saw a boom in the number of People coming to seek Refuge in Mülheim -Germany. This sparked a large political debate as to their welcoming in the city or not.
Many sensibilisation campaigns were Organised by the social Dezenat Mr. Ulrich Ernest in the different quarter halls to preach the accommodations of these Asylum seekers. Spontaneous help groups sprang up after every meeting with more people joining to help establish a welcome Culture in Mülheim an der Ruhr.
Amongst these Immigrants were many people from Africa. This attracted the Interest and sympathy of former African migrants and Refugees under the initiatives of Justin and Bridget Fonkeu to come together in a meeting to reflect on what to do to help our fellow Africans. After long hours of brain-storming, mind-mapping and deliberation, the Association “Afro-Mülheimers Cultural and Development Association- Afro-Mülheimers e.V. “was formed. With the Premise that, for a better and quicker way of obtaining our objectives of unity, Talent exposition, capacity building and competent use of African potential in the in the development of Mülheim an der Ruhr, we have decided to let low our individual Country identity and to pick up the New Afro-Mülheimers. So was the name Afro-Mülheimers unanimously adopted by the founding Members at the foundation Meeting held on the 22.03.2015, and so was Afro-Mülheimers Cultural and Development Association born.
“We are of the opinion that the only way to really tackle such a task is to connect Associations in order to cooperate, research and collaborate in the field of migrant and refugee Integration, education, Socio-political and economic development”.
The Association is open to all immigrants and citizens of Goodwill in the city of Mülheim an der Ruhr
Welcome to our Homepage and enjoy your reading.
Contact us
Would you like to find out more about Afro-Mülheimers e.V., our work or how to support us? Please get in touch. We would love to hear from you.

Afro-Mülheimers e.V.
Eppinhoferstr. 143
45468Mülheim an der Ruhr
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